Adult Diapers Guide & Shop - Carewell (2025)

Selecting adult diapers can be confusing. With so so many brands, features, & pricing, it isn't easy. Here we answer the most common questions, “What are adult diapers?” “How do they work?” “What are the types?” and more. Whether you need heavy-duty nighttime support or lighter daytime protection, our adult diapers will keep you comfortable, dry, and leak-free. Shop adult diapers here!

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Shop Adult Diapers: Best Selling.

Heavy incontinenceTranquility ATN All-Through-The-Night Disposable Briefs with Tabs, MaximumSHOP NOWOvernight incontinenceAttends Premier Briefs with Tabs, OvernightSHOP NOWOvernight incontinenceTENA Stretch Super Incontinence Brief, Super AbsorbencySHOP NOW
Heavy incontinenceAbena Abri-Form Diapers with Tabs, L4SHOP NOWMaximum absorbencyPrevail Bariatric Briefs with Tabs, UltimateSHOP NOWUrine and BowelPrevail Per-Fit 360 Daily Briefs with Tabs, Maximum PlusSHOP NOW


Those with long-term adult incontinence will love our reliable diapers, and those with shorter-term incontinence, like those who are post-surgery, will find exactly what they need for a healthy and happy recovery. Plus, our incontinence products are designed to keep moisture away from the skin, promoting dryness, health, and comfort.

What are Adult Diapers?

Adult diapers with tabs, also called adult briefs or tab-style briefs, are fully supportive diapers that wrap around the belly, rear, and crotch and protect against urinary and bowel incontinence. These fully absorbent products feature a thick core and side panels that are pulled across the hip and fasten to the front panel. Shop adult diapers from top brands like McKesson, TENA, tranquility, and more.

Adult Diapers: Recommended by Our Care Specialists.

Moderate incontinenceCardinal Wings Quilted Adult Diapers with TabsSHOP NOWBariatricTranquility Air-Plus Bariatric Disposable Adult DiapersSHOP NOWSevere incontinenceAttends Advanced Adult Diapers with TabsSHOP NOW
Heavy AbsorbencySeni Super Quatro Adult DiapersSHOP NOWHeavy AbsorbencyPrevail Nu-Fit Adult Diapers with TabsSHOP NOWHeavy incontinenceAttends Bariatric Adult Diaper with TabsSHOP NOW
Heavy incontinenceMcKesson Ultra Adult Diapers with TabsSHOP NOWHeavy ProtectionTranquility SmartCore Disposable Adult DiapersSHOP NOWHeavy incontinencePrevail AIR Overnight Stretchable Adult DiapersSHOP NOW


Who should or should not use adult diapers with tabs?

Should Use Adult Diapers Should Not Use Adult Diapers

Someone who has a caregiver to help them

Someone who can use an adult diaper without assistance

Someone with heavy incontinence or bowel incontinence concerns

Someone looking for light incontinence protection

Those with low mobility or who are bedridden

Those who are very active and mobile

Those who need a bariatric size (an 80-inch waist or above)

Those looking for a slim, discreet style

How do Adult Diapers Work?

Adult diapers with tabs absorb incontinence because of polymers (tiny absorbent beads) stored in the core of the diaper. Polymers soak up moisture and turn it into a gel, leaving your skin dry. Some polymers are even pH balanced to counteract the ammonia in urine—that way, they guard against odor.

How to put an adult diaper on yourself

  1. 1. Create the shape of regular underwear by fastening the sides tabs to the diaper
  2. 2. Step into the diaper like you would regular underwear, pulling it up your legs
  3. 3. Refasten the tabs until they are snug

How to put disposable briefs on someone else

  1. 1. Rest your loved one on their side
  2. 2. Slide the incontinence brief from front to back, between the legs (it can help to rest a towel between their knees)
  3. 3. Spread out the rear of the diaper so that it covers the buttocks
  4. 4. Gently roll them onto their back
  5. 5. Lift the front panel over the belly
  6. 6. Fasten the tabs across the hips and onto the front panel, one at a time, ensuring the fit is snug but not too tight
  7. 7. Make any adjustments so that the disposable diaper is centered and comfortable

What features exist?

Refastenable tabs

  • If an adult diaper has “refastenable tabs” that means the tabs that fasten to the front panel can be unstuck and restuck to ensure a snug fit. This is especially useful for caregivers

Sturdiness of tabs

  • If the description says the diaper has “strong tabs” or “sturdy tabs,” that means they’re less likely to rip.

Stretchy sides

  • If a description says the diaper has “stretchy tabs,” that means the tabs will likely be more comfortable and secure

Amount of tabs

  • Some diapers with tabs have two tabs on each side, and some have one. In general, four-tab diapers are sturdier, while two-tab diapers are easier to put on.

Leg gathers

  • Leg gathers are strips of fabric that attach to the diaper's leg holes and provide an extra layer of protection when wearing adult diapers.

High-rise fits

  • If a diaper features a “high-rise fit” or “full-rise fit,” it goes up higher on the back and belly than others—these are great for bariatric users or anyone that wants a little extra security

Backing material

  1. - Cloth-backed are soft, breathable, and don’t make noise, so they’re more discreet. Since harmful vapors from incontinence can escape, these tend to be better for your skin.
  2. - Plastic-backed are sometimes assumed to be more absorbent, but they can actually be harmful to the skin. Harmful vapors are trapped against the skin, leading to damage and breakdown.
  • - Wetness indicators Wetness indicators are color-changing strips of fabric that help caregivers know when the diaper has reached capacity, so they know it’s time for a change

What are the different types of adult diapers?

  1. Overnight diapers with tabs

For loved ones that experience incontinence throughout the night, overnight diapers with tabs boast an ultra-absorbency that can help keep them dry and comfortable. Overnight diapers are also ideal for anyone that experiences very heavy incontinence throughout the day.

  1. Plus-sized diapers with tabs

Also called “bariatric diapers with tabs,” these are ideal for anyone that needs a larger fit than traditional diapers can provide. Great for waist sizes between 62 and 106 inches, these have high absorbency, meaning fewer changes and more comfort.

How do I choose?

- Decide if you need a specialized product, like a bariatric diaper with tabs

- Think about which features are the most important to you. Busy caregivers will want to look for features like wetness indicators, unisex styles, maximum absorbency, two-tab styles, and leg gathers

- Determine what absorbency you’re looking for. For occasional voids, a lighter absorbency should do the trick, but for large voids or overnight protection, look for something heavier

Still need help? Call our friendly Caregiving Specialists at 855-855-1666 for more guidance.

Shop Adult Diapers by Brand

Does Medicare Cover Adult Diapers?

Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover the cost of adult diapers. The consumer is expected to pay 100% of the cost. Luckily, Carewell offers great deals on adult diapers and many more incontinence products. Not sure where to start? Call our extremely knowledgeable Caregiving Specialists at 855-855-1666, we’re always happy to help!

Pro Tips

If you're experiencing leakage, it's probably an issue with fit. Be sure to use exact waist and hip measurements when choosing your size, and don't be afraid to give us a call for help!

Shop Adult Diapers

Adult Diapers Guide & Shop - Carewell (2025)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.